Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 5

This is going to be short and sweet... Day 5=NO HEADACHES and Not exhausted!! I finally hit the feel good stage! =) YAY! Were on the downhill slope from here-- cleanse wise. I haven't been feel hungry as much lately (because I am keeping my snack/meal times on schedule preventing myself from going to starvation mode).

As far as weight loss goes... I am avoiding the scale until atleast day 10. =) However, I think the girls I am doing this challenge with have been shedding some poundage- holla!

This is definitely a lifestyle I want to adopt... with the exception of adding in some wine here and there ;) Like I said yesterday...It's amazing the crap we put into our bodies and even more sad that our bodies go into shock when we attempt to cleanse it out.

I hope everyone has a fabulous week and I will leave you with this!


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